Welcome to Pflag Canada - Peterborough Chapter.Pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their 2SLGBTQ+ children.The "coming-out" process can be a critical time for families. When the adjustment period is particularly long or painful, relationships can become permanently damaged, resulting in a lifetime of emotional scars. People cannot always rise above the challenge of accepting themselves or their family member, and the results can be devastating, even fatal.We support these families through today, and give them hope for a better tomorrow.


The initials, PFLAG, first represented Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, but over the years came to include the whole 2SLGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gays, Bisexual, Queer, 2-Spirited , Intersex, and questioning persons) community, their families and friends.PFLAG Canada is a national charitable organization that speaks for a more accepting Canadian society by providing support, education and resources to all people who wish to grow in their understanding of sexual and gender diversity.Through our PFLAG Canada Chapter and Contact network, we actively assist in the recognition and growth of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirit, intersex, queer and questioning persons and their families and friends, within their diverse cultures and societies.The Peterborough Chapter of Pflag Canada was formed in 1999 through the work of local parents and PARN (Peterborough Aids Resource Network) while working to provide support for gay and lesbian teens in the area - sparked by "coming outs" of several local founders' children.In the beginning, the volunteers held once a month drop in meetings in the Unitarian Church and PARN helped with publicity. Very few people showed up at the first meetings, but those who did were determined. The main goal of these meetings was to talk to parents who were having trouble accepting that their children were gay, or who were concerned that their children would have a harder time in life because they were gay. Pflag helped these parents see that their kids are fine just the way they are.These early supporters of the Peterborough Chapter also worked with a youth group sponsored by PARN to provide education about being gay or lesbian and the problems gay teens and their families can face. They met with guidance counsellors and teachers to talk about ways to make school a more accepting environment for gay students.Pflag Peterborough provides support, education, and resources on issues of sexual orientation and gender identity. We will help you find additional resources in Peterborough and area when you have questions, feel alone, or need someone with whom to talk.For more information on becoming a member, or learning more about how Pflag Peterborough can help you, please visit our Contact Page


Join our Pflag Volunteer Team!


A glossary of terms, from an external source (


The Pflag Canada Peterborough Chapter volunteers maintain information booths and tables wherever we are invited...schools, sponsored walks, etc. Anyone with questions and in search of understanding and support for themselves or for someone they know can stop by to be heard or to pick up some information.

Monthly Meet-Up Meetings

PFLAG Meetups are for members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community, their family members, friends, and allies. This is a place to connect with others, make new friends, or seek support if you have questions or concerns about sexual orientation or gender identity and expression. Meetings are based on peer models, meaning those with previous and existing knowledge provide empathetic support to others. It is not a formal psychotherapeutic intervention. An agreement precedes the meeting regarding personal discussion: it is confidential and must stay in the room. Those attending have the opportunity to share their story if they wish, although there is no pressure to share. Some may choose to just listen and learn from others. Community updates on 2SLGBTQ+ resources and events are also provided.Please contact us by email to ask about dates and time of Our Monthly MeetUps. During Covid we have been meeting virtually, but will soon be meeting in-person. We are in the process of confirming appropriate locations, and will let you know where and how you can access our supportive meetings.

Pflag Peterborough Pride Brunch

Pflag Peterborough’s Annual Fundraising Brunch
Stay tuned for more details on the 2023 brunch!
Emmanuel United Church (East), formerly George Street United Church
534 George St. N. (entrance off McDonnel St./accessibility off George St. Ring bell for service)

We are delighted to serve a light brunch (donations gratefully accepted). Meet friends before the Pride parade beginning located just across the street. All are invited. Games for children. We love to see our new and long-time friends year after year. A family event.

Rainbow Service Organization (RSO) Events

Our friends at the Peterborough Rainbow Service Organization (RSO) host a series of events throughout the year.To see their calendar, please visit the following link:Rainbow Service Organization

International Events honoured in Peterborough

April 8: International Day of Pink
May 17: International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
November 20: Transgender Day of Remembrance


Contact us via email:[email protected]

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